365 DotU, Day 65: In Which I Am Again Running Late

Bah. Can’t get anything done today.

Today’s song is a cover of the Plant/Krauss version of “Killing the Blues”. I can’t make all of the nice slidy guitar noises, so I went with a more straightforward acoustic cover, using acoustic guitar, acoustic bass, and ukulele.

Yes, I said “ukulele.”

No, I am not obsessed with the ukulele.

Am NOT! You take that back!

Usually, when I perform this live with Josh, I use the fiddle for the break, but I wanted to try something different. It’s a pretty song, and the whole Raising Sand album it’s on is just delicious listening.

About L. M. Bernhardt

Deaccessioned philosopher. Occasional Musician. Academic librarian, in original dust jacket. Working to keep my dogs in the lavish manner to which they have become accustomed.
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